lauantai 5. syyskuuta 2009


I had a blog before but my life has faced some serious changes during the summer so I decided to start from an empty table, to make a new start.

The changes started when I had a row with my best friend. We got into a fight in a bar and I left home, but met a girl on my way home so I ended up spending the night with her and her friends. A week later she became my girlfriend and in less than two weeks from that she already dumped me. That was the major turning point for me. I stood up to my feet and didn't feel bad for the relationship that had ended, I noticed that I should have realised long ago that she was the completely wrong girl for me and I was a lot happier without her. I felt like a stone was lifted from my shoulders the day we broke up. I son't know what I was thinking when I fell for her, maybe I was just too happy to meet a girl who likes girls in my hometown or something, maybe it was her cat-like eyes that were the only thing tht I felt sorry for loosing.

The next day of the ended relationship I travelled to the capital city and I decided to live life at it's most, to live as much as it's possible. A couple of nights later I went to a gay bar and needles to say, the next morning I didn't wake up alone.
I spent the day with her. I might as well tell her name, but I'll just call her O from now on. I could also tell you what we did, but at the moment I feel like keeping it all in and not sharing it.
The story of O is still open, I've met her twice after that time. Just yesterday I got back home from her.

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